Opened 14 years ago
Closed 11 years ago
#9149 closed defect (fixed)
Adding tags causes the wiki page content to not save
Reported by: | Owned by: | Steffen Hoffmann | |
Priority: | low | Component: | TagsPlugin |
Severity: | major | Keywords: | needinfo wiki change |
Cc: | Ryan J Ollos, Michael Renzmann | Trac Release: | 0.11 |
Some of our users reported trac wiki pages not getting saved when using tags in the keyword field. When we removed the Tags Plugin, it worked fine. This was really severe for some users as they typed a big document, added a few keywords and all the changes to the wiki page were lost when they hit submit button. Very frustrating.
We need tagging in our wiki, but prefer not to install this plugin. Please help.
Attachments (0)
Change History (9)
comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by
Keywords: | needinfo added |
Priority: | highest → high |
comment:2 follow-ups: 3 8 Changed 14 years ago by
- Not a rant. Here to help & really appreciate your work. (Like your misplaced paranoia too).
- Trac version 0.11. TagsPlugin vs 0.6
- Browser FF. Did not try any other browser.
- Will provide more info & more testing in coming week.
comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by
Replying to
- Not a rant. Here to help & really appreciate your work. (Like your misplaced paranoia too).
Ok, I'm looking forward to hear details then. (Still no need to like my way of thinking. It's just half-educated guesswork from more than a year of giving support for various plugins here.)
- Trac version 0.11. TagsPlugin vs 0.6
Well, so you'll not need coming compatibility-related changes in trunk
, but OTOH you'll lack some of the fixes for bugs in 0.6
, that have been added to trunk
recently. May still give us a valuable hint on what should get backported before the tags-0.7 release.
- Browser FF. Did not try any other browser.
Didn't expect this one. So normally your users should be able to resume with edited wiki content recovered after a save failure. Wired. However, better let us fix the issue.
comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by
Replying to rjollos:
Duplicate of #7525?
Kind of, still the description is somewhat unclear until now. Let's wait a bit longer, if the reporter can provide more details.
But there is #3145 too, that claims it has been fixed in development after tractags-0.6 (see current changelog). A regression? I've been unable to reproduce this with current trunk
, so I'd rather recommend to go with trunk
before the next release anyway.
comment:6 Changed 13 years ago by
Cc: | Ryan J Ollos Michael Renzmann added; anonymous removed |
Priority: | high → normal |
Step down priority, since the complains raised here haven’t been verified and updated according to immediate request.
Still waiting for details and feeling, that my initial, blamed "misplaced paranoia" actually wasn't that misplaced.? In fact, we've got the copy-tags-from-template (#3753) to work reliably, so this is even more unlikely to be a current issue.
The only way I can think of a valid claim is, if it would turn out to be a 0.11 backwards-compatibility issue. Would love to rule this out as well.
comment:7 Changed 13 years ago by
Priority: | normal → low |
Sorry, can't think of a valid claim that stays that long without more confirming details.
My initial paranoia about the issue has proven to be very reasonable - just by time, right? While I'd like to resolve the issue for the OP, there's still nothing to work with here. Sorry, but I'll be closing this down at or before the next release, if the report is left in the current state for a few more weeks.
comment:8 Changed 12 years ago by
Keywords: | wiki change added |
Severity: | blocker → major |
Replying to
- Not a rant. Here to help & really appreciate your work. (Like your misplaced paranoia too).
Oh, well. While we've resolved many more issues since late 2011, obviously you've been unable to follow-up even with a short test summary within more than a year now. Judge yourself, but I'm feeling approved here. Therefor even "only" 'critical' priority rating couldn't hold any longer.
Nevertheless I would have loved to stand corrected, only that 'no reply' is the single most common pattern observed here, when developers request more information from ticket authors. But you're still standing out by providing a real email, so there's at least a chance to reach you with ticket comments.
- Trac version 0.11. TagsPlugin vs 0.6
We'll release next stable rather soon. tags-0.6
is largely obsoleted, and you should only try trunk
code for now.
- Will provide more info & more testing in coming week.
See comment on 1. above.
Replying to
Interesting. For now let's assume you're not here for a rant but really for help (a bit hard to tell right now, sorry).
1st, please don't rate to high without proper information available. By now everything is unsure. "Works without TagsPlugin" means not much without other details. Could be another plugin interfering with TagsPlugin. At least consider, that many applications around the world use this plugin on a daily base in production. Certainly we've to find out, why not in your application.
2nd, facts, and facts again. Tell us your Trac version as well as full list of plugins installed. What (exact) revision of TagsPlugin did you use. Would you be so kind as to reproduce with DEBUG logging enabled and attach relevant parts of the logs here; Trac environment startup would be interesting and output from call to edit until POST to save wiki page.
3rd, let us agree on the direction, not yet the steps. You may purchase commercial Trac support from several places to get your problem sorted out within days, if not hours. Remind that here most of us are volunteering in our spare time just for fun, altruism, ets. Even, if you're a little bit disappointed right now, please share a little of our enthusiasm.
4th, keep an eye on possible unicode and i18n issue. Test without and with non-ASCII chars separately. Translations would only be of concern, if you had Trad 0.12 or later revision. I know, there are some weaknesses in TagsPlugin for what I've learned with other plugins recently, especially regarding full 0.11 backward-compatibility. But this will all get sorted out very soon too - independently of this ticket, but I'll provide a reference to keep you updated.
Almost OT: The severity of edit failure is depending on local settings and the browser make in general. While I've lost a lot of wiki edit work with IE too, this has never been the case for FF and derivatives. Don't know, if switching browsers is an option for your users at all, but I've found almost full text restored when returning to the editor window with my favorite Iceweasel (a Debian GNU/Linux FireFox clone), still YMMV.
No need to do everything right now. Provide relevant information step by step, so we can make it work with some changes to this existing code. Anything else is unrealistic.