
Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#5720 assigned defect

I would like to be able to add flashfiles from our site into tickets inside our trac installation...

Reported by: magnus.zetterberg@… Owned by: Louis Cordier
Priority: normal Component: MovieMacro
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11


Currently, taking this link ( and placing it inside your movieMacro plugin does not work on our highlights movies we have on our portal.

Since we use TRAC for ticketing on bugs etc on our gameportal, having the ability to simply attach problems from movies and goal situation which our end users has created would be a very great benefit to us.

I have successfully added your plugin and installed into our trac without any problems and it works great, however our movies which we have on our portal does not work.

Is it possible to request someone/the author of the plugin to add functionality for our plugins as well, enabling us to use your plugin for our ticket handling in the future?


Magnus Zetterberg

QA Manager, Power Challenge AB

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comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by Louis Cordier

Status: newassigned

For my plugin to work I'll need a .flv file to access, or an STANDARD method to embed flash players. From the source code of the site it should be possible.

<script type="text/javascript">
	swfobject.embedSWF("widgets/video/video_player.swf?cacheControl=4", "video_player_content", "480", "392", "8.0.0", false, false, {wmode:"transparent", base:"flash/", bgcolor:"#ffffff", AllowScriptAccess:"always", flashvars:"site_sounds=false&highlightID=436856&autostart=true&nosplash=true"}, {id: "video_player"});

I'll look into it when I get some time, maybe this weekend.

Regards, Louis.

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by magnus.zetterberg@…

Cant ask for much more then that, thank you very much. Let me know when you have something that we try.


Magnus Z

comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by Louis Cordier

I tried over the weekend to embed the player, but it appears that the player might not allow embeddeding on foreign sites. It might be that the player (.swf) looks at the WEB_REFERER header in the web request and simply not allow foreign sites from using it. It is also problematic to reference the video you want to play.

When I get time this week I will look further into this, but the initial overview doesn't look good.

Regards, Louis.

comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by Magnus Zetterberg

Ok, thanks for the investigation sofar, I will see what we are doing on our side right now and if we can change anything to easy the the access so that we can stream it from our side into our trac...

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