
Opened 19 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#507 closed defect (fixed)

goodies do work (bold etc.), but emoticons do not appear

Reported by: r.ligteringen@… Owned by: Christian Boos
Priority: normal Component: WikiGoodiesPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11


Although other features of goodies do work, the emoticons are not shown. All images are created (/var/www/.python-eggs/TracWikiGoodies-0.3-py2.4.egg-tmp/goodies/htdocs/modern/img) and are readable. In /usr/share/trac/config/trac.ini I've put:

goodies.* = enabled

Log file shows:

14:29:25 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin goodies from /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/TracWikiGoodies-0.3-py2.4.egg

Thanx in advance, Ronald

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Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 19 years ago by j.dobbe@…

I experienced the same problem just now. The problem, for me at least, was easily solved by removing a plugin that was giving errors. This might be the same thing causing problems in your case. If not, you can ignore this comment.

comment:2 Changed 18 years ago by Christian Boos

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
Trac Release: 0.90.11

r2439 also fixed a weird issue the plugin had with setuptools.

If the problem appears again for someone:

  • check the log and make sure the plugin (in particular, goodies.smileys) is loaded
  • in the same log, look for the following warning:
    File xxx not found in any of ...
    where xxx is the icon name and ... is a list of folders that are susceptible to contain the files. Look for a modern/img folder in that list.

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