
Opened 12 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#10783 closed defect (duplicate)

Images not include in PDF

Reported by: Stefano Cailotto Owned by: Diorgenes Felipe Grzesiuk
Priority: high Component: TracWikiToPdfPlugin
Severity: blocker Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release:

Description (last modified by Ryan J Ollos)

Hello, I read all the previous similar posts, but I can't find any solution. Basically, an image included in my page (using the [[Image(wiki:Picture:radcheck_components.png)]] syntax as suggested) doesn't appear into generated PDF.

I've activated debug, and what I see is the following:

2013-01-10 11:34:34,334 Trac[wikitopdf] DEBUG: WikiToPdf => Start function wiki_to_pdf
2013-01-10 11:34:34,334 Trac[wikitopdf] DEBUG: WikiToPdf => Wiki intput for WikiToPdf: u"= Picture =\r\n\r\nSome class diagrams were produced. An overview of the main components follows:\r\n[[Image(wiki:Picture:radcheck_components.png)]]\r\n\r\nTwo files came from radCASE, namely modul.xml and struct.lst.\r\n* in '''modul.xml''' are reported the hierarchy of the sub modules, the variables and PI/PO of the design.\r\n* in '''struct.lst''' are reported the '''exported''' variables, their type, and their memory offset (details are reported below??)\r\n\r\nThe main components are described below, by following the interaction flow:\r\n* The modul.xml is parsed by the '''preprocessor''' that builds an internal representation of the hierarchy, using HIFSuite (hierarchy.hif);\r\n* The gui, composed by two main components (namely the '''Psl editor''' and the '''Verification UI''') uses the hierarchy.hif to build the System Explorer, with which the user can create the properties;\r\n* The properties are saved in .ppp format, that is used by the '''checker generator''' component to build the checkers;\r\n* The user, with the '''Verification UI''' configures the testing parameters (like the length of the test sequence, the number of sequences and the inputs of the design), that are passed to the '''atpg''' component, that generates a test set file\r\n* The '''checker simulator''' component is responsible for the interaction between the '''Common''' simulator and the '''Verification UI''', that shows the verification results to the user. This component uses the checkers and the struct.lst file. To communicate with the Common simulator, it uses windows shared memory and message passing. In particular the variables values are passed by using shared memory, with which the checker simulator checks the checkers (pardon the pun);\r\n* The '''Common''' simulator (developed by Emacs) parses the test set file generated previously by the '''atpg''', and is guided by the '''checker simulator''' in the simulation (when to fire a new test vector, when to stop or pause the simulation)."
2013-01-10 11:34:34,336 Trac[formatter] DEBUG: Executing Wiki macro Image by provider < object at 0x7f73f3648fd0>
2013-01-10 11:34:34,352 Trac[wikitopdf] DEBUG: WikiToPdf => HTML output for WikiToPdf in charset iso-8859-15 is: '<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-15"/></head><body><h1 id="Picture">Picture</h1>\n<p>\nSome class diagrams were produced. An overview of the main components follows:\n<a style="padding:0; border:none" href="/projects/radcheck/trac/attachment/wiki/Picture/radcheck_components.png"><img border="0" src="/projects/radcheck/trac/attachments/wiki/Picture/radcheck_components.png" /></a>\n</p>\n<p>\nTwo files came from radCASE, namely modul.xml and struct.lst.\n</p>\n<ul><li>in <strong>modul.xml</strong> are reported the hierarchy of the sub modules, the variables and PI/PO of the design.\n</li><li>in <strong>struct.lst</strong> are reported the <strong>exported</strong> variables, their type, and their memory offset (details are reported below??)\n</li></ul><p>\nThe main components are described below, by following the interaction flow:\n</p>\n<ul><li>The modul.xml is parsed by the <strong>preprocessor</strong> that builds an internal representation of the hierarchy, using HIFSuite (hierarchy.hif);\n</li><li>The gui, composed by two main components (namely the <strong>Psl editor</strong> and the <strong>Verification UI</strong>) uses the hierarchy.hif to build the System Explorer, with which the user can create the properties;\n</li><li>The properties are saved in .ppp format, that is used by the <strong>checker generator</strong> component to build the checkers;\n</li><li>The user, with the <strong>Verification UI</strong> configures the testing parameters (like the length of the test sequence, the number of sequences and the inputs of the design), that are passed to the <strong>atpg</strong> component, that generates a test set file\n</li><li>The <strong>checker simulator</strong> component is responsible for the interaction between the <strong>Common</strong> simulator and the <strong>Verification UI</strong>, that shows the verification results to the user. This component uses the checkers and the struct.lst file. To communicate with the Common simulator, it uses windows shared memory and message passing. In particular the variables values are passed by using shared memory, with which the checker simulator checks the checkers (pardon the pun);\n</li><li>The <strong>Common</strong> simulator (developed by Emacs) parses the test set file generated previously by the <strong>atpg</strong>, and is guided by the <strong>checker simulator</strong> in the simulation (when to fire a new test vector, when to stop or pause the simulation).\n</li></ul></body></html>'
2013-01-10 11:34:34,353 Trac[wikitopdf] DEBUG: WikiToPdf => Finish function wiki_to_pdf
2013-01-10 11:34:34,353 Trac[wikitopdf] DEBUG: WikiToPdf => Start function html_to_pdf
2013-01-10 11:34:34,423 Trac[wikitopdf] DEBUG: Using HTMLDOC version 1.8.27

2013-01-10 11:34:34,425 Trac[wikitopdf] DEBUG: WikiToPdf => Htmldoc command line: htmldoc --webpage  --charset iso-8859-15 --format pdf14 /tmp/tmpG7bo5nwikitopdf -f /tmp/tmp6AMUcNwikitopdf
2013-01-10 11:34:34,566 Trac[wikitopdf] DEBUG: WikiToPdf => Finish function html_to_pdf

I don't know if it is something related to htmldoc and relative URLs (as the one at the beginning of output), base_url is set into trac. The Image has been uploaded as an attachment, having its url like https://xxxxxxxxx/projects/radcheck/trac/attachment/wiki/Picture/radcheck_components.png.

Any idea/suggestion? Bye, Stefano

Attachments (0)

Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by Miguel Ferreira

If you are you using >Trac 1.0 this is probably due to the changes to the way files are indexed in the file system (to handle long filenames). I have fixed wikitopdf plugin locally for Trac 1.0 and plan to clean the code up and commit it as a patch. I'll update this ticket once I've done so.

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by anonymous

Ok thank you! Will wait for the patch!


comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Description: modified (diff)

comment:5 in reply to:  description Changed 11 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Replying to kai:

Basically, an image included in my page (using the [[Image(wiki:Picture:radcheck_components.png)]] syntax as suggested) doesn't appear into generated PDF.

Which plugin provides the Picture realm?

comment:6 Changed 11 years ago by Miguel Ferreira

for the fix, refer to ticket #11859 .

How to patch: checkout plugin to fs folder, download patch (.diff), apply patch to checked out plugin folder, run install on your trac environment.

comment:7 Changed 10 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Closing as duplicate of #11859, which has a patch.

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