- AddCommentMacro Add comments to wiki pages
- CustomFieldAdminPlugin Administer Custom Fields in Trac
- EstimationToolsPlugin Tools for visualizing and editing of effort estimations
- FullBlogPlugin Add a self-contained blog to Trac
- ReposReadMePlugin Repository Readme File Rendering
- TocMacro Display Table of Contents
- XmlRpcPlugin Trac XML-RPC Plugin
About me
I work for a company in Norway that operate a commercial project hosting service based on Trac and Subversion:
As part of my work I also develop & maintain some Trac plugin code hosted at CodeResort.com:
- TracTalkPlugin --- a web+rpc based talk/chat/forum/meeting/stream-like Trac plugin.
I'm also a member of Trac development team and Bitten development team.
If you want to get in touch with me, use email oddsimons@…. I am also usually on the Trac IRC channel as <osimons>.

Last modified 11 years ago
Last modified on Feb 2, 2014, 10:40:44 PM