Created / maintained plugins
- AttachmentPolicyPlugin Adds permission to delete attachments
- BudgetingPlugin Add budgeting information to Tickets
- LogWatcherPlugin Viewer for log files
- MailPlugin XMailPlugin allows to send periodically user-specific mails of new or changed tickets
- NavigationDisplayPlugin Display navigation menu as fixed menu or other navigation options
- ProjectPlugin Adds project information to each ticket
- RoadmapPlugin Sorts roadmap in descending order and adds a filter input field
- SettingsPlugin Configuring project data and setting project configuration options
- TicketNavPlugin Miscellaneous functions to ticket view: CKEditor, navigation table, descriptions, sorting versions
- TranslationManagerPlugin Managing translation of your source code
Contributions to plugins
- CkEditorPlugin: Wysiwyg wiki editor plugin using the open-source CKEditor, inspired by TracWysiwygPlugin
- AdvancedTicketWorkflowPlugin: added patch for another operation, see #9783
- With #8802 exists a ticket, which requests integrating functionality of MailPlugin into AnnouncerPlugin
Trac-Tickets I had left a comment or am interested in can be viewed on t.e.o.
Last modified 11 years ago
Last modified on Aug 27, 2014, 10:31:48 AM