
Display tabulated list of Trac projects


This plugin lists the links to multiple projects in a scalable, indexed, table-oriented format. The projects are listed relative to a given environment parent directory, such as the PythonOption TracEnvParentDir directive in Trac's Apache configuration.

A sample call to the macro:


You must edit and change the variable ENV_PARENT_DIR (or DIR for the 0.11 branch) in the script to point to your environment's parent directory, eg /usr/local/www/trac/.

The 0.11 version, which is quite simple for now, seems to work with 0.12 too.

This macro was created to address the problem of trying to host multiple Trac instances within a single site.

See also: PlannedMilestonesMacro, MilestoneCompactMacro

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for ListTracProjectsMacro are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


1 / 4


1 / 3


0 / 1


Download the zipped source from here.


Check out ListTracProjectsMacro from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


Copy the .py file into the plugins directory of your Trac environment. Delete the corresponding .pyc file if exist (for upgrade). Restart Apache if applicable.

Recent Changes

16976 by rjollos on 2017-11-18 10:08:35
Add metadata
15264 by rjollos on 2016-02-11 04:22:34
Remove unnecessary svn:mime-type on py files

svn:mime-type was set to "plain" for many files.

13440 by rjollos on 2013-11-19 06:24:38
Quick rewrite of macro. The options [projects] base_dir and [projects] base_url can be used to set the base path and url. If the base_url is not set, and the macro is called from one of the projects, it should determine the correct base_url. Refs #11382.

More testing is needed. Please report if you find any issues.



Author: mathomas
Maintainer: mathomas

Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on Sep 21, 2016, 8:42:27 PM