Hacks for Trac 1.0.x
Results (1 - 100 of 371)
- AccountManagerPlugin Manage Trac user accounts
- AccreditationPlugin Support for accreditation of a ticket
- AcronymsPlugin Auto-generated acronyms from a table in a Wiki page
- AddHeadersPlugin Add HTML Headers to Trac pages in a simple way
- AdminEnumListPlugin Admin Enumeration List Plugin
- AdvParseArgsPlugin Advanced Argument Parser for WikiMacros
- AdvancedTicketWorkflowPlugin Advanced Ticket Workflow
- AllAttachmentsMacro List attachments from Trac site
- AndroidClientIntegration Trac client for Android
- AnnouncerPlugin Flexible notifications for Trac
- ArchiveViewerPlugin Browse contents in zipfile
- AttachmentNotifyPlugin Trac Attachment Notify Plugin
- AttachmentPolicyPlugin Adds permission to delete attachments
- AutoPagerizePlugin Enables AutoPagerize extension
- AutoWikifyPlugin Automatically creates links for all known Wiki pages
- AutocompleteUsersPlugin Autocomplete user fields (assigned to and CC) on tickets
- AwesomeAttachmentsPlugin Simplify adding attachments to tickets
- BackLinksMacro Add a list of referring pages to your page
- BacklogPlugin Manage and prioritize workloads
- BackupTracScript Bash script to get a static offline copy of your Trac installation
- BittenRecipesExtractorScript Bitten Recipe Extractor
- BlackMagicTicketTweaksPlugin Functions to alter Ticket form behaviour and Ticket Permissions
- BlueFlatTheme A responsive, flat, blue theme using Bootstrap
- BookmarkPlugin Bookmark Trac resources
- BreadCrumbsNavPlugin Recently visited pages as navigational bread crumbs
- BudgetingPlugin Add budgeting information to Tickets
- BzrPlugin Bazaar VCS support
- CannedResponsesPlugin Respond with canned responses to new tickets
- CardsPlugin Sorting cards in stacks
- CategorizedFieldsPlugin Categorizing ticket fields in Trac
- CcSelectorPlugin Improve selection of users to be cc-ed
- ChangeLogMacro List changelog entries from repository
- ChildTicketsPlugin Add pseudo child-tickets and a visual reference to these within a parent ticket
- CiteCodeMacro Cite code in wiki pages and tickets
- ClientsPlugin External clients support for Trac tickets
- CodeExampleMacro Code example box with syntax highlighting
- CodeReviewerPlugin Lightweight code review of changesets
CodeTagsPlugin Add code tags (
) to source code - CollapsiblePlugin Embed foldable structures in wiki pages
- ColorMacro Color foreground and background of text
- ComponentDependencyPlugin Allows a component to state dependencies on other plugins
- ComponentHierarchyPlugin Add a hierarchy to the component field
- ComponentsProcessorMacro List project components with descriptions
- CondFieldsGenshiPlugin Conditionally display fields based on ticket type
- CondFieldsPlugin Conditional fields for ticket types
- ContactFormPlugin Add contact form to Trac site
- ContactsPlugin Integrate contacts list in Trac
- ContextChromePlugin Add context-aware styles to Trac page widgets
- CryptDataPlugin Encrypt password data in your Trac wiki
- CryptoPlugin Cryptography for Trac
- CrystalxTheme CrystalX theme for Trac
- CsvMacro Display CSV data in a table
- CustomFieldAdminPlugin Administer Custom Fields in Trac
- CustomTicketPrefixPlugin Define custom ticket prefixes to link commit messages with Trac instances or group tickets
- DashesSyntaxPlugin Wiki Syntax for EN and EM Dashes
- DataSaverPlugin Prevent loss of unsaved form data
- DateFieldPlugin Add custom date fields to tickets and helps date selection
- DefaultCcPlugin Default CC for new tickets
- DetailedViewPlugin Show all tickets from a query on a single page
- DiaVisViewPlugin Render dia and vdx files
- DirectoryAuthPlugin A LDAP / Active Directory password and permission store for the AccountManagerPlugin
- DiscussionPlugin Add a discussion forum to Trac
- DocRenderPlugin Preview doc and xls files
- DownloadsPlugin Adds a downloads section to Trac
- DoxygenPlugin Embed Doxygen-generated pages into Trac
- DropbearsPlugin Aaaaaah! Dropbear attack!
- DuplicateTicketSearchPlugin Duplicate Ticket Search
- DygraphsVisualizationPlugin Create graphical reports using the Dygraphs charting library
- DynamicFieldsPlugin Dynamically hide, default, copy, clear, validate, set ticket fields
- DynamicVariablesPlugin Default and convert report dynamic variables to dropdowns
- EasyPollMacro Add polls and voting functionality to wiki pages and tickets
- EggCookingTutorialTrac0.11 Basic Egg cooking (Hello World 1)
- EmailProcessorMacro Wrap text blocks to specified width
- EmailtoTracScript Convert email to Trac tickets
- EpochFieldPlugin Epoch (unix time) field, timezone sensitive
- EstimationToolsPlugin Tools for visualizing and editing of effort estimations
- EstimatorPlugin Produce range-based estimations for tickets
- ExcelDownloadPlugin Download query output, reports and tickets as an Excel file
- ExcelXlstViewerPlugin Viewer for Microsoft Excel XLST files
- ExportImportXlsPlugin Import / Export XLS spreadsheets
- ExtendedVersionPlugin Extending the concept of a 'version' in Trac
- ExternalLinksNewWindowPlugin Open external links in new windows (XHTML conforming)
- ExtractUrlPlugin Extract URL from Trac wiki links in plugins and macros
- FieldGroupsPlugin Group sets of related fields together
- FieldOfTablePlugin Custom ticket fields of tables
- FieldTooltipPlugin Provide Tooltip Help for ticket fields
- FineGrainedPageAuthzEditorPlugin Editor for Fine Grained Authz Permissions File
- FiveStarVotePlugin Star rating system for wiki pages and tickets
- FlatTableMacro Display a table with the markup from data entered in a flat form
- FlexibleAssignToPlugin Customize the 'assign to' field on tickets
- FlexibleReporterNotificationPlugin Control when notifications are sent to the reporter of a ticket
- FoldMacroProcessorMacro Add foldable sections
- FootNoteMacro Add footnotes to wiki page
- ForcePreviewPlugin Require users to preview ticket and wiki changes before submission
- FullBlogNotificationPlugin Email Notifications for FullBlogPlugin
- FullBlogPlugin Add a self-contained blog to Trac
- FullTextSearchPlugin Perform Full Text Search on the command line
- FulmoIntegration Easy ticket creation with an annotated screenshot
- GanttCalendarPlugin Ticket-based Gantt chart and calendar
- GanttChartPlugin Render Gantt charts in wiki pages
Last modified 10 years ago
Last modified on Jul 16, 2015, 10:46:48 PM