
Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#9574 new enhancement

Reduce (or eliminate) errors when renaming a "tag".

Reported by: Adrian Fritz Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: TagsPlugin
Severity: minor Keywords:
Cc: Itamar Oren Trac Release: 0.12

Description (last modified by Ryan J Ollos)

From comment:19:ticket:9064: Is there a way to allow copy a single selected tag from "Current Tag" window (under /admin/tags/replace tab) and paste it in "New Tag:" field?

  • Use Case: avoid new mistype when required to rename a tag, then you copy from and edits before changing.

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Change History (10)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Adrian Fritz

Replying to hasienda (#9064:comment:19):

You want to pre-set the 'New Tag:' input field with the selected tag, if only one is selected, right?

Wow!!, that´s even better, but simple manually copy enabled it´s enough. I think does not justify any more effort for such a use case.

Hmm, this won't work without some dynamic HTML (read: JavaScript or AJAX). But sure, let me think about it.

I was thinking on a more simple way. Change field property (for "Current Tag" field) to just allow copying selected tag (only one selection).

Wonder how complex your tags must be, if you ask for auto-copying them.

Again, not required auto-copying. just

Care to provide a patch?

No idea where to start, but i´ll start digging some code references to do that

comment:2 in reply to:  1 Changed 13 years ago by Steffen Hoffmann

Replying to AdrianFritz:

Replying to hasienda (#9064:comment:19):

You want to pre-set the 'New Tag:' input field with the selected tag, if only one is selected, right?

Wow!!, that´s even better, but simple manually copy enabled it´s enough. I think does not justify any more effort for such a use case.

I see. The problem is, that I didn't intentionally set any attribute to block the items from being copied, so this might be inherent to the drop-down (multiple) selection list design.

Hmm, this won't work without some dynamic HTML (read: JavaScript or AJAX). But sure, let me think about it.

I was thinking on a more simple way. Change field property (for "Current Tag" field) to just allow copying selected tag (only one selection).

Sure, as easy as we can get it.

Care to provide a patch?

No idea where to start, but i´ll start digging some code references to do that

Well, I know, that this will be a few lines of JS code using jQuery. But I have to investigate the appropriate methods, functions, object names and DOM element selector syntax too, because I haven’t done much with it by now. Re-using or at least studying existing code will be one of my approaches as well.

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by Adrian Fritz

Just pointing some references:

  1. KeywordSuggestPlugin behaves in a way this enhancement request can take: after filled few letters on respective field, it points possible keywords to be used, then you can mouse select and it looks like it copies into desired field.
  2. JavaScript -> jQuery -> Form Select -> Get selected value from select

comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by Adrian Fritz

One more way (autocomplete instead of selecting from combo-box):


comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Cc: Ryan J Ollos added; anonymous removed

comment:6 Changed 13 years ago by Itamar Oren

Cc: Itamar Oren added

comment:7 Changed 13 years ago by Adrian Fritz

Summary: Allow copy & paste a tag to be renamedReduce (or eliminate) errors when renaming a "tag".

At th:10012 was suggested this library to improve UI data entry

comment:8 Changed 9 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Description: modified (diff)

comment:9 Changed 9 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Owner: Steffen Hoffmann deleted

comment:10 Changed 5 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Cc: Ryan J Ollos removed

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