
Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#8603 new enhancement

Mylyn integration

Reported by: sparrow Owned by: Mark Ryan
Priority: normal Component: ChildTicketsPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords: mylyn, eclipse integration
Cc: wrobel@… Trac Release: 0.12


It would be nice if child tickets were shown as subtask in Mylyn plugin for Eclipse.

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comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by anonymous

Cc: wrobel@… added; anonymous removed

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by wrobel@…

In case it helps: In Mylyn such relation (apart from other features) is presented in ticket attributes as "Depends On" I do not quite remember but probably MasterTickets plugin showed blocked tickets as subtasks in Mylyn.

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by anonymous

Priority: normalhighest

comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by Mark Ryan

Hi Guys

I've gotten around to installing Eclipse and Mylyn on my system and I don't think there's much I'm going to be able to do with this....

I don't know Eclipse very well (and definitely not well enough to contribute to the Mylyn plugin). I see from various comments that the MasterTicketPlugin works with Mylyn since Mylyn release 3.6 but I cannot see the source code nor the changes where this was implemented (I also can't seem to get subtasks working in my Eclipse/Mylyn environment either!)

I think the change that is required is on the Mylyn plugin side, rather than on the trac/plugin side - perhaps you should raise a ticket or request with the Mylyn developers? They can take a look at the ChildTicketsPlugin code and I'll be happy to implement anything that would get it working.

It would be great to get this working and I'd love to learn a bit more about Eclipse, etc... but I'm not going to be able to commit much time to this issue for the foreseeable future.

Sorry! Mark

comment:5 Changed 7 years ago by Jonathan Laufersweiler

I've good news to report that after a repository refresh in Mylyn, the parent ID field is displaying in Mylyn's task attributes. It is also possible to create/modify task in Mylyn and enter the # followed by the desired parent ticket number in the Parent ID attribute. When submitted/synchronized, the resulting ticket in Trac is a child ticket of the referenced parent.

That's awkward, but at least the XML-RPC handshake is happening between mylyn & trac on that field.

Unfortunately, that field is not present in the available Mylyn query filters against the repository.

Since the data is being passed though, A modification to the Mylyn Trac connector query element to include that field (or update to include custom fields generally, as it does not) Would let you create Mylyn task queries based on the parent ID.

WRT a more proper integration, the Trac Connector sets the SupportSubtasks attribute withing the ticket metadata to False, so a deeper mirroring would have to override that behavior as well.

This of course needs to by done on the Mylyn side for the most part, but I thought to include it here because that's where people will come looking for it.

Last edited 7 years ago by Jonathan Laufersweiler (previous) (diff)

comment:6 Changed 7 years ago by figaro

Keywords: integration added
Priority: highestnormal

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