
Opened 15 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#7534 closed enhancement (fixed)

some improvements: COinS rendering, PubList macro, detailed-entry view

Reported by: Daniel Abel Owned by: Roman Mohr
Priority: normal Component: TracBibPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11



I put together some improvements for TracBibPlugin, which are very handy for a 'research group homepage'-type site. I.e. for an academic research group, which wants to have individual profile pages for each participant, and where there is a list of publications for each project (with seperate projects having seperate wiki-pages). On such a webpage, one wants to have 'list of references'-style lists, even for entries that are not referenced in the text of the given page. For example one will want to have the publications of a given participant on that participant's profile page, etc.

I am going to attach a unified diff that contains these additions. (Sorry for not making seperate diffs, I hope it will be usable even in this form.) Note that these modifications work for me, but they might use some improvement: for example some things are hardcoded, and make them configurable options might make more sense.

A summary of whats implemented in this patch:

  • COinS rendering (, this means that tools like zotero can easily import the bibliography data contained on the page
  • refactored rendering, using Formatter classes, so that various types of styles (list, table, bibtex, coins, etc.) can be generated.
  • improved rendering of the plain 'list of references' style so that the 'list of references' can be styled with css
  • a 'detailed-record' view: an IRequestHandler that can render the full bibtex data for a given entry. This also provides the bibtex entry so that it can be copy-pasted. This page is linked from all reference lists.
  • linking authors to their profile pages (if such page exists), with abbreviating the author names as appropriate (this abbreviation is implemented so that it handles hungarian double chars): The author's name in the list of authors will be linked to 'public/en/people/'+name wiki-page.
  • A PubList macro that can be used to render all entries in the db that match certain criteria (i.e. have a bibtex field with the given value). For example [[PubList(author:John Smith, order=-year)]] renders a list of all of John Smith's publications, in reverse-chronological order (i.e. newest first)

I believe these significantly extend the features of TracBibPlugin, and thus would be useful for every user of TracBibPlugin. (With the above-mentioned caveat that some hard-coded stuff should be made configurable.)

Note that this patch was only tested with trac 0.12 (although I have an older version that was used under trac 0.10)

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Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by Daniel Abel

I couldn't attach the patch, because it is rejected by the spam filter (error message:

500 Internal Server Error (Submission rejected as potential spam
(Maximum number of external links per post exceeded,
Content contained these blacklisted patterns: '(?i)display:\s*none'))

) so I uploaded it to instead.

The patch is against rev. 8406 of

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by Roman Mohr

Status: newassigned

Thank you for sharing your work. The features sound great, I'll have a look at it the next few days.

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by Roman Mohr

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Thanks again for all of your work. It has been a long time until the new version of the plugin was released and most of your requests and suggestions are included since r11553.

Only the COinS rendering is still missing. I'll open a new report for it and close this one.

comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by Roman Mohr

COinS Ticket: #10027

comment:5 Changed 10 years ago by anonymous

Have these additions made it into the general plugin and how do you access them?

I'm using Trac 0.12.6 and the latest TracBib (Snapshot).

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