
Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#7384 closed defect

How to use space for option list_connector_string

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: CuriousCurmudgeon
Priority: normal Component: BatchModifyPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: joerg.thoennes@… Trac Release: 0.11


Our keywords are seperated by space: "A B C"

Therefore, my preferred configuration for this would be:

[batchmod] fields_as_list = keywords,customers list_separator_regex = \s+ list_connector_string = ' '

But the space is stripped off. Tried also:

list_connector_string = ' ' list_connector_string = " " list_connector_string = \ list_connector_string =

But all characters used as given. At least, the last variant should work but in this case the keywords are concatenated by the empty string which breaks anything.


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Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by JThoennes

I posted this ticket before the description was complete / correctly formatted. Sorry about this. Since I cannot change it now, please replace the description by this one:


Our keywords are seperated by space: "A B C"

Therefore, my preferred configuration for this would be:

fields_as_list = keywords,customers
list_separator_regex = \s+
list_connector_string = ' '

But the space is stripped off. Tried also:

list_connector_string = ' '
list_connector_string = " "
list_connector_string = \ 
list_connector_string =

But all characters used as given. At least, the last variant should work but in this case the keywords are concatenated by the empty string which breaks anything.


  • Provide space as default since the comma can be specified explicitely.
  • Replace empty list_connector_string by exactly one space (preferred).
  • Provide a way to escape characters (perfect, but needs more work).

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by JThoennes

Cc: joerg.thoennes@… added; anonymous removed

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by CuriousCurmudgeon

(In [9374]) refs #7384

  • Changed the default connector from a comma to a space. This change will need highlighted so users are not surprised when upgrading.

comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by CuriousCurmudgeon

Status: newassigned

comment:5 Changed 14 years ago by CuriousCurmudgeon

Status: assignedclosed

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