
Opened 15 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#7240 closed enhancement (fixed)

port to trac 0.11/0.12

Reported by: Guido U. Draheim Owned by: Ryan J Ollos
Priority: normal Component: GuestbookPlugin
Severity: critical Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.12

Description (last modified by Ryan J Ollos)

The guestbookplugin does not work with Trac 0.11.7 Here is a port to make it work in 0.11

svn co
svn copy guestbookplugin/0.10 guestbookplugin/0.11
svn move guestbookplugin/0.11/guestbook/templates/guestbook.cs guestbookplugin/0.11/guestbook/templates/guestbook.html
cat guestbook.html > guestbookplugin/0.11/guestbook/templates/guestbook.html
cat > guestbookplugin/0.11/guestbook/
svn commit -m "port to 0.11 by Guido Draheim" guestbookplugin

Attachments (5)

guestbook.html (2.2 KB) - added by Guido U. Draheim 15 years ago. (5.3 KB) - added by Guido U. Draheim 15 years ago.
guestbook-core-3.patch (1.7 KB) - added by Guido U. Draheim 14 years ago.
guestbook-templates-3.patch (2.5 KB) - added by Guido U. Draheim 14 years ago.
guestbook-setup-3.patch (918 bytes) - added by Guido U. Draheim 14 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (16)

Changed 15 years ago by Guido U. Draheim

Attachment: guestbook.html added

Changed 15 years ago by Guido U. Draheim

Attachment: added

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by anonymous

Here is a new version that I use at the trac-guestbook-plugin package for 0.11 and 012.

The new package works in the form of patches on the 0.10 sources, so these should be easier to be applied, although I do still recommend to branch off into a 0.11 series as this one is using the genshi template engine.

The rpm spec does:

cd guestbookplugin/0.10
patch < guestbook-setup-3.spec
patch < guestbook-core-3.spec
patch < guestbook-templates-3.spec
Last edited 11 years ago by Ryan J Ollos (previous) (diff)

Changed 14 years ago by Guido U. Draheim

Attachment: guestbook-core-3.patch added

Changed 14 years ago by Guido U. Draheim

Attachment: guestbook-templates-3.patch added

Changed 14 years ago by Guido U. Draheim

Attachment: guestbook-setup-3.patch added

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by Guido U. Draheim

Summary: port to trac 0.11port to trac 0.11/0.12
Trac Release: 0.110.12

By the way, rpm packages for guestbookplugin-0.3 ready for Trac-0.12 can be downloaded from

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by Radek Bartoň

Status: newassigned

Thank you.

comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by Guido U. Draheim

The prebuilt packages can now be downloaded from the trac12 Open Build System place at

comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Description: modified (diff)

comment:6 Changed 12 years ago by rvinitech@…

I'm trying to integrate guestbook plug in with Track Trac-0.12.3. I have made the changes as per the details mentioned in this ticket. I'm able to see this plugin under Admin tab, but not on the navigation bar. Could someone let me know what could be the issue. Thanks in advance.

comment:7 Changed 12 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Please turn on t:TracLogging and send any relevant info from the logs.

comment:8 Changed 12 years ago by anonymous

Type: defectenhancement

comment:9 Changed 11 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

In 13516:

Branch 0.10 directory to trunk. Refs #7240.

comment:10 Changed 11 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Owner: changed from Radek Bartoň to Ryan J Ollos
Status: assignednew

comment:11 Changed 11 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 13517:

Port to Genshi and make compatible with Trac 0.11 and later. Fixes #7240.

Patch by guidod.

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