
Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#7124 closed defect (worksforme)

Label disappears if not explicitly re-specified

Reported by: Bruno Harbulot Owned by: obs
Priority: normal Component: BlackMagicTicketTweaksPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11



The label of a (custom) field does not show up at all if it's tweaked. I'm using blackmagic (r7886) and Trac 0.11.6.

The reason for this is that the label is loaded using this:

self.enchants[e]["label"]=self.config.get('blackmagic','%s.label' % e, None)

Unfortunately, None doesn't work as a default value with config.get() (at least in Trac 0.11 and the current trunk).

Just before returning from get() in the Section class, there's this:

    if not value:
        value = u''

Perhaps a patch like this would be better?

--- 0.11/blackmagic/   (revision 7944)
+++ 0.11/blackmagic/   (working copy)
@@ -%ld,%ld +%ld,%ld @@
             self.enchants[e]["disable"]=self.config.get('blackmagic','%s.disable' % e, False)
             self.enchants[e]["hide"]=self.config.get('blackmagic','%s.hide' % e, False)
             self.enchants[e]["label"]=self.config.get('blackmagic','%s.label' % e, None)
+            # config values cannot be None, always initialised to u'' if nothing found
+            if not self.enchants[e]["label"]:
+                self.enchants[e]["label"] = None
             self.enchants[e]["notice"]=self.config.get('blackmagic','%s.notice' % e, None)
             self.enchants[e]["tip"]=self.config.get('blackmagic', '%s.tip' % e, None)
             self.enchants[e]["ondenial"]=self.config.get('blackmagic','%s.ondenial' % e, "disable")

Then, people who want to hide the label could use a space instead of nothing.

Best wishes,


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Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by obs

Status: newassigned

Weird it worked on 0.11.7 I'll check it out.

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by obs

Resolution: worksforme
Status: assignedclosed

Tested on trac 0.11.7 works fine, upgrade your trac installation.

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