
Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#5589 closed defect (fixed)

stacked_bar does not set query-values correctly

Reported by: markusl@… Owned by: aviram
Priority: high Component: TicketChartsMacro
Severity: critical Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11


When clicking on parts of pie- and bar- charts all related tickets are shown.

In case of stacked_bars no tickets are filtered. For the 'x_axis' the filter is selected, but the 'key' is NOT selected. If I manuallay set the missing option and press 'Update' the correct tickets are listed.

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Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by aviram


I hope I'll have time to check that out at the weekend. Are you sure that you have the latest version?

A previous version had a similar bug that was solved in #5326.


comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by anonymous

Hello aviram,

thanks for the fast reply. Yes, I already use the latest version from svn

I'm talking about stacked-bars-charts, #5326 seem to solve this for pie-charts:

Source from

Please compare

180 	def _get_stacked_bar_chart_stats(env, db, key, x_axis, query):
181 	    sql = _get_query_sql(env, query)


313 	def _get_pie_graph_stats(env, db, factor, query = None):
323 	    sql = _get_query_sql(env, query, required_columns = [factor, ])

Stacked bars function does not contain this additional parameter "required_colums". Maybe this function needs to be extended, too?


comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by aviram

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed


I haven't looked at it closely - just tried to create stacked bar charts with a field that normally doesn't get into queries, and I think you're right.

I have added the x_axis and key as required columns for stacked bars charts (this will fix bar charts as well, since the same code handles both).

The change [6381] does this.

I'm closing this one, if it still doesn't solve your problem, please reopen it.

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