
Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#4539 closed defect (worksforme)

[0.12] getTicket() fails with cannot marshal <type 'datetime.datetime'> objects

Reported by: jouvin@… Owned by: Alec Thomas
Priority: normal Component: XmlRpcPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.12

Description (last modified by osimons)


After upgrade to Trac trunk r7799 (0.12dev), XmlRpc no longer works for Mylyn 3.3. The error message is:

cannot marshal <type 'datetime.datetime' while executing system.multicall()

I used the last trunk revision for XmlRpcPlugin (r3074).



ps: BTW, is there a good reason why XmlRpcPlugin is no longer listed in the list of available plugins on the start page.

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Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by Joshua Curtiss

I experienced this error on Trac 0.11.4 and Mylyn 3.3 with trunk of XmlRpcPlugin using the patch provided on ticket #871 (because I have CentOS 4.4 with Python 2.3.4). Just FYI.

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by Steffen Pingel

Description: modified (diff)
Summary: XmlRpc (Mylyn) broken with Trac 0.12dev (cannot marshal <type 'datetime.datetime'>)objects[0.12] getTicket() fails with cannot marshal <type 'datetime.datetime'> objects

comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by osimons

Description: modified (diff)

I've committed a lot of improvements to the XmlRpcPlugin lately - including methods to normalize input and output. Could you please update to latest plugin trunk version and see if the problem still exists?

If not solved, please turn on Trac debug logging and provide relevant lines of debug log + your 'About Trac' table of installed software versions.

comment:4 Changed 16 years ago by osimons

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

Running the plugin tests against latest Trac 0.12dev gives no errors (at least not using my 2.4.6). Tests are currently focused around input/output conversion and ticket get() and update(), so they should be a good match for this error report.

I'm quite sure your marshalling problem was due to the fact that one of your calls returned an attributes structure that included datetime values (like for instance milestone 'due' and 'completed' fields). Before latest changes, only types on the method signature was checked and converted correctly. Now all values returned from methods are traversed and type-converting before outputting.

I'm closing this, but please repopen and provide more information if it persists with latest version of plugin and Trac.

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