
Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#3529 closed defect (duplicate)

Emails aren't being sent when announcer plugin is installed

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: Robert Corsaro
Priority: highest Component: AnnouncerPlugin
Severity: blocker Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11


When I change [notification] to [announcer] in trac.ini I stop receiving email notifications. Here are my trac.ini settings:

[notification] always_notify_owner = true always_notify_reporter = false always_notify_updater = false mime_encoding = base64 smtp_always_bcc = smtp_always_cc = smtp_default_domain = smtp_enabled = true smtp_from = internal@… smtp_password = * smtp_port = 25 smtp_replyto = internal@… smtp_server = smtp_subject_prefix = [TRAC] smtp_user = internal@… use_public_cc = false use_short_addr = false use_tls = true

[components] advancedworkflow.* = enabled announcerplugin.api.announcementsystem = enabled announcerplugin.distributors.email_distributor.emaildistributor = enabled announcerplugin.formatters.ticket_email.ticketemailformatter = enabled announcerplugin.pref.announcerpreferences = enabled announcerplugin.producers.attachment.attachmentchangeproducer = enabled announcerplugin.producers.ticket.ticketchangeproducer = enabled = enabled announcerplugin.resolvers.defaultdomain.defaultdomainemailresolver = enabled announcerplugin.resolvers.sessionemail.sessionemailresolver = disabled announcerplugin.subscribers.ticket_compat.carboncopysubscriber = enabled announcerplugin.subscribers.ticket_compat.legacyticketsubscriber = enabled

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Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by nlovinsky@…

Just wanted to add my email to this ticket.

comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by anonymous

Just making it more readable

always_notify_owner = true 
always_notify_reporter = false 
always_notify_updater = false 
mime_encoding = base64 
smtp_always_bcc = 
smtp_always_cc = 
smtp_default_domain = 
smtp_enabled = true 
smtp_from = 
smtp_password = ***** 
smtp_port = 25 
smtp_replyto = 
smtp_server = 
smtp_subject_prefix = [TRAC] 
smtp_user = 
use_public_cc = false 
use_short_addr = false 
use_tls = true

advancedworkflow.* = enabled 
announcerplugin.api.announcementsystem = enabled 
announcerplugin.distributors.email_distributor.emaildistributor = enabled
announcerplugin.formatters.ticket_email.ticketemailformatter = enabled 
announcerplugin.pref.announcerpreferences = enabled 
announcerplugin.producers.attachment.attachmentchangeproducer = enabled 
announcerplugin.producers.ticket.ticketchangeproducer = enabled = enabled 
announcerplugin.resolvers.defaultdomain.defaultdomainemailresolver = enabled 
announcerplugin.resolvers.sessionemail.sessionemailresolver = disabled 
announcerplugin.subscribers.ticket_compat.carboncopysubscriber = enabled 
announcerplugin.subscribers.ticket_compat.legacyticketsubscriber = enabled 

comment:3 Changed 17 years ago by anonymous

Can you send email through gmail's smtp server using your user/pass?

comment:4 Changed 17 years ago by nlovinsky@…

I can. Typical email notifications work just fine. As soon as I turn on announcer, things stop working.

comment:5 Changed 17 years ago by anonymous

It would seem if the server requires TLS that AnnouncePlugin is still trying normal SMTP AUTH rather than issuing a STARTTLS? I'm trying to use AnnouncePlugin with Gmail and am getting "SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server." ... which is kinda true, since it requires STARTTLS.

comment:6 Changed 17 years ago by Leonardo Rochael Almeida

I just attached a patch to #3560 that fixes the "SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server." issue. It might fix this issue for the original reporter as well.

comment:7 Changed 17 years ago by Robert Corsaro

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

duplicate bug 3560

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