Opened 17 years ago
Last modified 8 years ago
#3089 new defect
"Stop Work" behavior not compatible with IE7 & FF3
Reported by: | ian | Owned by: | |
Priority: | high | Component: | WorkLogPlugin |
Severity: | major | Keywords: | IE7, Customization |
Cc: | aexl | Trac Release: | 0.11 |
I really like your Trac plugin. I'm currently exploring using it for time tracking for my Java development team.
In WorkLogPlugin 0.10 the "Stop Work" behavior was much simpler (a text field) however due to a div positioning issue the box was overlapping the navigation bar in IE7.
In WorkLogPlugin 0.11 I notice you added a fancy effect where the screen goes dark and you can enter a comment and choose the date/time you stopped work. This also has issues in IE7 (you can't enter anything in the text field). Also, the textarea overlaps the edge of the box.
This makes it impossible to use the Stop Work button in IE7 which significantly hampers the usability of the plugin.
Would it be possible to have an admin option to choose which style of Stop Work comments is used (if any)?
Personally I much prefer the 0.10 implementation (much simpler). If the div positioning issue could be resolved I would say it perfectly meets our needs.
I'm not a big fan of the screen-dimming effect in 0.11 and if I could disable I would.
I think subtlety works best here. Think of the idea of timer - you click to turn it on, and click again to turn it off. Having a dialog box pop up is a bit counter-intuitive.
Other than that, I would maybe suggest that the "Record Time via Time and Estimation" option be enabled by default.
Keep up the good work!
Attachments (3)
Change History (17)
comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by
Status: | new → assigned |
comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by
That sounds good. I'm really looking forward to seeing the next version of your plugin. I could start using this right away if the 'stop work' usability was improved even just a bit.
If you need a beta tester, I would be happy to try out the next version and give you some feedback.
Please consider my vote for the "classic" stop button you had before. It was really nice (especially with the simple text field). If you restore it (or provide an option to restore it) then I can look into the CSS issues in IE7. (I can't test the 0.10 version anymore since I upgraded to Trac 0.11).
I agree that custom ticket fields is the way to go for entering/editing time (in addition to the box at top of the screen - I really like that).
Thanks again!
comment:3 Changed 17 years ago by
Summary: | "Stop Work" behavior not compatible with IE7 → "Stop Work" behavior not compatible with IE7 & FF3 |
I get the same (mis-)behaviour with FF3. Is there a fix or workaround, because I'd really like to use this plugin.
comment:4 Changed 17 years ago by
It works fine for me in FF3. I use it all the time :s
Sadly upstream Trac folks are not answering a rather complex query I have right now about how to proceed with this plugin so I've hit a bit of a brick wall. While I wait for an answer, I'll try and find time to make the stop work thing work with IE7 (but like I say it works fine for me on FF3 so that bit is confusing :s).
comment:5 Changed 17 years ago by
OK, I have investigated a bit further, and found the culprit. I am normally using the PyDotOrg Theme (using the ThemeEnginePlugin). If I use the default Theme it works fine.
The problem is that the Popup gets dark, too and you may not enter any data there (see screenshot). The only way to get out of this is the browsers back button.
comment:6 Changed 17 years ago by
Cc: | anonymous added; info@… removed |
comment:7 Changed 17 years ago by
In FF3, and I'm guessing IE7, though I haven't verified it, the problem has to do with the z-index handling of embedded div's. The jqmOverlay div is at the top level, so it's z-index of 2999 is respected, but the workLogPopup, at least in my theme, is contained within a bodyContent div (and a couple other div's), so it is rendered below the jqmOverlay. Well, I'm assuming that's why it's rendered below the jqmOverlay. I don't really have any time to look into this more right now. I did try changing the position style of workLogPopup to fixed and absolute, neither of which seemed to have any effect.
comment:8 Changed 15 years ago by
Cc: | trac@… added; anonymous removed |
i also face the timer-box-too-big problem.
(bytheway: great work!!!)
comment:9 Changed 15 years ago by
Cc: | aexl added; trac@… removed |
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | assigned → closed |
comment:11 Changed 15 years ago by
Status: | reopened → new |
comment:12 Changed 15 years ago by
quick fix:
- in htdocs/worklog/jqModal.css line 14 change "top" position from 17% to say 2%
this fixes the issue for my desktop, but not for my netbook...
a more thorough fix changes templates/worklog_stop.html so that submit button is on top (and then i would prefer calendar above comment, but ymmv). i tried this but even after rebuilding the egg and restarting apache the template seemed not to change, i might face some egg cache isues that i dont understand.
have fun!
Changed 15 years ago by
Attachment: | worklog_stop.html added |
Changed 15 years ago by
Attachment: | jqModal.css added |
comment:13 Changed 12 years ago by
I'm experiencing the same issue with Chrome.
Shame, it is really interesting and useful plugin which I can't use in full due to this issue..
comment:14 Changed 8 years ago by
Owner: | Colin Guthrie deleted |
Thanks for the encouragement Ian! :)
There will be further changes in the before the "final" 0.11 version. I am going to integrate the time tracking with the new Workflow models that are available in 0.11. This means that I can in theory do away with the start and stop work buttons completely (although I may keep them as kinda shortcuts as I'm quite used to them (and it's nice they are at the top of the page!) although I may do something totally different to achieve the same end goal).
Sadly the text area was only ever temporary as I needed a way to allow the user to pick a date/time in the past if they accidentally "over worked" themselves - e.g. go home having forgotten to click "stop work" in eagerness to get out of the office ;)). This is why this dialog is bigger - it's not just about the text box. I've not fiddled with the CSS in IE7 but if you want to tweak it, it should be fairly obvious (there is only one CSS file) and I'll happily apply any patch that doesn't (adversely) affect my normal browsers (Firefox and Safari).
I will probably change the popup tho, so that it's not needed and that a more dynamic system will be included lower down in the form next to the regular state transition stuff if you tick a box or something, so all in all, I wouldn't bother and this will probably be "fixed" by other means in due course!