
Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

#2944 new enhancement

Change behavior of URL drag-and-drop

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: Jun Omae
Priority: normal Component: TracWysiwygPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.10


a highly desirable enhancement to the already amazing TracWysiwygPlugin would be to modify the behavior when you drag-and-drop a url from one browser window into a TracWysiwig editor.

steps to repro

  1. in one browser window, open a trac page with a wysiwig editor (eg. wiki edit, ticket, etc)
  2. in another browser window, load your favorite web page, let's say TracWysiwygPlugin
  3. drag the url from the browser's address bar into the wysiwig editor

desired result

  • a link to the url gets created with the text from the <title> of that page (in this example, "TracWysiwygPlugin - Trac Hacks - Plugins Macros etc. - Trac"). i.e. in wiki markup, something like:
    [ TracWysiwygPlugin - Trac Hacks - Plugins Macros etc. - Trac]

actual result (using firefox, trac 0.10.4, TracWysiwyg 0.2-r3414)

  • just the raw url with no surrounding [] that gets linkified by trac (wiki markup):

i don't know anything about python, trac plugins or drag-and-drop, but i think this should be possible since repeating the steps above and dragging a url into a normal textarea results in the following wiki markup:
TracWysiwygPlugin - Trac Hacks - Plugins Macros etc. - Trac

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Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by anonymous

dammit, the cool behavior described above using firefox no longer works with firefox 3!!

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