
Opened 18 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#1934 closed defect (fixed)

TagsPlugin won't display tickets

Reported by: track@… Owned by: Alec Thomas
Priority: normal Component: TagsPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.10



I'd installed the plugin as described in install instructions. After the upgrade of trac_env it displays all keywords, including them inside tickets.

But when clicking on a keyword like "resolved" which is only in tickets - no result is displayd. So I checked the database - and in tags table is no entry where tagspace=='ticket'. (But for downloads, wiki, screenshots and so on, them will listed.) I don't understand anymore, why cloud is listed correct, but no entries are in database.

I don't get it solved, have no idea anymore.


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Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by track@…


when setting ONE fields= paramter, eg. "fields = status" then clicking on "Closed" in tags display gives me a list. more than one - no list.

comment:2 in reply to:  1 Changed 18 years ago by track@…


SELECT id, status,severity, COALESCE(status, )
COALESCE(severity, ) AS allfields FROM ticket

-> allfields is always 0 -> no tag found in tickets-list.

I'm using mysql db backend. I debugged the sql-statement,

Trac[ticket] DEBUG: SELECT * FROM (SELECT id, status,severity, COALESCE(status, )
COALESCE(severity, ) AS allfields FROM ticket) s WHERE (allfields LIKE %s) ORDER BY id

this seems to be wrong:

COALESCE(status, )
COALESCE(severity, ) AS allfields - this will not result into colated string in mysql. As in description of sql itself this is right, too. will be a boolean operation, eg. has to result in 0 or 1, sqlite3 is a big exception.

when using CONCAT( COALESCE(

STATUS , ) , COALESCE( severity, ) ) instead
it works in mysql. Yes, I know, sqlite doesn't know about CONCAT :S

So it should be a config-option between sqlite3 or mysql syntax (I don't know how pgsql handles it)

comment:3 Changed 18 years ago by jtpoll@…

Just wanted to chime-in and say that I am also experiencing the same problem -- I'm also using a mysql backend.

I really need this to work, and am too impatient to wait for an official patch that implements sqlite/mysql configuration options. ;) So, I checked out the 0.4.1 tag and made changes to in order to get it to work with mysql. The modifications are basically what track@… describes -- the SQL query needs to be changed from:

SELECT * FROM (SELECT id, status,severity, 
  COALESCE(status, '')||COALESCE(severity, '') AS allfields 
   FROM ticket) s 
   WHERE (allfields LIKE %s) 
   ORDER BY id


SELECT * FROM (SELECT id, status,severity, 
  CONCAT(COALESCE(status, ''), COALESCE(severity, '')) AS allfields 
   FROM ticket) s 
   WHERE (allfields LIKE %s) 
   ORDER BY id

A filthy-hack patch that gets it working in lieu of a sqlite3/mysql configuration option is:

Index: tractags/
--- tractags/  (revision 2580)
+++ tractags/  (working copy)
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
         tags = set(tags)
         names = set(names)
         args = []
-        sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT id, %s, %s AS allfields FROM ticket) s" % (','.join(self.fields),
-            '||'.join(["COALESCE(%s, '')" % f for f in self.fields]))
+        sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT id, %s, CONCAT(%s) AS allfields FROM ticket) s" % (','.join(self.fields),
+            ','.join(["COALESCE(%s, '')" % f for f in self.fields]))
         constraints = []
         if names:
             constraints.append("id IN (" + ', '.join(['%s' for n in names]) + ")")

I look forward to an official patch, though. :)

comment:4 Changed 17 years ago by Alec Thomas

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

This should be fixed in trunk.

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Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.