
Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#1851 closed enhancement (invalid)

Open tickets in the roadmap should be blue instead of a warning red

Reported by: Andy <andy@…> Owned by: Jason Milkins
Priority: normal Component: TracMentalaxisTheme
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.10


Hello again.

I think your theme is really nice, but one thing is disturbing: The colors of the roadmap. The red is to strong.

The still open tickets are painted red. Red is a signal colour, with our culture it's a warning colour. But the open tickets are no error or something, so I think the open tickets should be blue, your neutral colour.

If you dissent, is there a way to change the css-files on my System only? When I do that, there seems to be a problem with a checksum or something.

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Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by Jason Milkins

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Andy, you are able to change the css.cs file as you wish, there's no checksum.

You'll have to make sure you are compiling the .egg properly, and not modifying the file encoding for css.cs.

Otherwise you can do what ever you like to the theme.

Ticket Invalid

I'm marking this ticket as invalid, since "Should be blue" is a value judgment.

I don't consider it inappropriate to mark open tickets as Red. In fact, it's been done specifically to notify a warning... ie. things to do ... or make green. No fault is implied, simply a problem which requires solution, be it a Task, Defect etc.

Thanks for your feedback though, I hope you manage to edit the css.cs and recompile ok.

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