
Opened 18 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#1573 closed defect (wontfix)

Datamover does not find any Trac environments

Reported by: joshua.preston@… Owned by: Noah Kantrowitz
Priority: highest Component: DatamoverPlugin
Severity: blocker Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.10


Operating Information:

Trac Version: 0.10.3
OS:           Solaris 10 x86
Python:       2.3
Web Server:   Apache 2

Below is the trac DEBUG log when I go to the configuration page, which appears to find all of the Trac environments properly.

2007-05-24 14:34:12,694 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Using base path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,695 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Checking path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,695 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Path good
2007-05-24 14:34:12,695 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Checking path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,695 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Path good
2007-05-24 14:34:12,695 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Checking path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,695 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Checking path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,696 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Path good
2007-05-24 14:34:12,696 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Checking path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,696 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Path good
2007-05-24 14:34:12,696 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Checking path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,696 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Path good
2007-05-24 14:34:12,696 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Checking path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,696 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Path good
2007-05-24 14:34:12,697 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Checking path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,697 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Path good
2007-05-24 14:34:12,697 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Checking path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,697 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Path good
2007-05-24 14:34:12,697 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Checking path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,697 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Path good
2007-05-24 14:34:12,697 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Checking path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,698 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Path good
2007-05-24 14:34:12,698 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Checking path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,698 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Path good
2007-05-24 14:34:12,698 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Checking path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,698 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Path good
2007-05-24 14:34:12,698 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Checking path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,699 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Path good
2007-05-24 14:34:12,699 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Checking path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,699 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Path good
2007-05-24 14:34:12,699 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Checking path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,699 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Path good
2007-05-24 14:34:12,699 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Checking path '/var/apache2/'
2007-05-24 14:34:12,699 Trac[providers] DEBUG: SiblingProviderModule: Path good

However, when going to any of the Datamover pages, the environment drop down is blank and no DEBUG log is generated.

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Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by franz.platzer@…

Priority: normalhighest
Severity: normalblocker

I have the same problem using following path to the environment:
This path is stored correctly in the database but is incorrectly shown in configuration page:
/srv/www/sitetrac I think that the path is also incorrectly used in the plugin: The plugin cannot handle dots in path names.

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

This plugin is deprecated. Please use the TracMigratePlugin.

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as closed The owner will remain Noah Kantrowitz.
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