
Opened 13 months ago

#14335 new enhancement

Separate plugin for hiding tickets based on ticket type and permission

Reported by: Joachim Mairböck Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: BlackMagicTicketTweaksPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 1.6


Until recently (with Trac 1.2) we used the BlackMagicTicketTweaksPlugin solely to hide certain tickets completely based on ticket type (e.g. "internal") if the user doesn't have a special permission to view such tickets (e.g. "TICKET_INTERNAL").

As far as I understand it, this part of this plugin doesn't depend on the deprecated ITemplateStreamFilter but solely on IPermissionPolicy.

Could this part of the plugin be split off as a separate plugin and be made available for Trac 1.6? Or is there another plugin already that would allow this that I haven't found?

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as new The ticket will remain with no owner.

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Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.