
Opened 20 months ago

Last modified 8 months ago

#14241 new defect

TicketStencilPlugin doesn't work if ticket types contain uppercase letters

Reported by: khym@… Owned by: tkob-trac
Priority: normal Component: TicketStencilPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release:


I installed the TicketStencilPlugin on Trac 1.5.4 and Python 3.11, ran trac-admin deploy to install the .js file, and created a TicketStencilBug wiki page, but it didn't populate the ticket description for me. Looking at the source of the newticket page, I saw:

var _tracticketstencil={"_ticketstencil_default_type":"","bug":"","enhancement":"","task":""};

So it was finding my ticket types, but not getting the stencil for any of them. Looking into it further, I found that the problem is that it sets the stencils, then in another loop, ends up clearing all of them. The all_types list has the ticket types in the original case, but the ticket_type variable is all lowercase. If a ticket type has uppercase letters, all_types.remove(ticket_type) will throw a ValueError('list.remove(x): x not in list') because of the case mismatch. Then when it later does "Set defaults for remaining ticket types", all_types will still contain all of the ticket types, and the stencils for all types will be set to the empty string.



    4343        all_types = [ for enum in]
    4444        for name in self.wiki_system.get_pages('TicketStencil'):
    4545            page = WikiPage(env = self.env, name = name)
    46             ticket_type = name[prefix_len:].lower()
    47             stencils[ticket_type] = page.text
     46            ticket_type = name[prefix_len:]
     47            stencils[ticket_type.lower()] = page.text
    4848            try:
    4949                all_types.remove(ticket_type)
    5050            except ValueError:

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Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 8 months ago by Hans Dijkema

I've encountered this issue also. Fixed it locally, but would be nice if it was also fixed in subversion repository.

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