
Opened 2 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#14202 closed task (fixed)

Update to strings

Reported by: figaro Owned by: Ryan J Ollos
Priority: low Component: AccountManagerPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release:


This is an update to #14198 (codespell issues), but which specifically affect the strings. It turns out that only the strings in messages.pot are affected:

$ grep -nr " Therefor " acct_mgr/locale/
acct_mgr/locale/messages.pot:1040:"            based on browser cookies.  Therefor a number of options "
$ grep -nr " adress" acct_mgr/locale/
acct_mgr/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/acct_mgr.po:308:msgstr "Vous devez spécifier une adresse email valide."
acct_mgr/locale/messages.pot:1067:"Potentially troublesome for users with dynamic IP adress, but\n"
acct_mgr/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/acct_mgr.po:610:msgstr "Denna adress har bekräftats."
acct_mgr/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/acct_mgr.po:621:msgstr "Denna adress har ej ännu bekräftats."
acct_mgr/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/acct_mgr.po:1026:" adress. Var vänlig kontrollera din e-post och ange denna information "
$ grep -nr approprate acct_mgr/locale/
acct_mgr/locale/messages.pot:1357:"                  implemented, you may fill-in approprate "
$ grep -nr independed acct_mgr/locale/
acct_mgr/locale/messages.pot:1479:"              existing accounts is another, related but independed "
$ grep -nr limitted acct_mgr/locale/
acct_mgr/locale/messages.pot:1698:"                  manage more limitted admin accounts as well as "

NB: the output on the french and swedish locale are not in messages.pot.

Hence the corrections can be applied to messages.pot only without downstream effects:

sed -i 's/  Therefor / Therefore /' acct_mgr/locale/messages.pot
sed -i 's/ adress/ address/' acct_mgr/locale/messages.pot
sed -i 's/ approprate/ appropriate/' acct_mgr/locale/messages.pot
sed -i 's/ independed/ independent/' acct_mgr/locale/messages.pot
sed -i 's/ limitted/ limited/' acct_mgr/locale/messages.pot

Attachments (1)

messagespot.diff (1.9 KB) - added by figaro 2 years ago.
Diff -u on accountmanagerplugin messages.pot

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

Changed 2 years ago by figaro

Attachment: messagespot.diff added

Diff -u on accountmanagerplugin messages.pot

comment:1 Changed 2 years ago by Jun Omae

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in r18531.

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