
Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#13878 new defect

DiscussionPlugin Basic Flaws Patches

Reported by: anonymous Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: DiscussionPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords: patch
Cc: Trac Release: 1.4


I'm auditioning DiscussionPlugin for some users on our new Trac 1.4.2 system. I'd rather not set up a whole separate forum system without some serious reasons; this plugin could save the effort of learning a whole new PHP software bundle (probably bloatware as most systems become over time).

Anyway, I developed some patches. I'm not saying they're pretty, but they will help in actually getting a taste for what the plugin can actually do.

  1. Can't send notifications, and that code is far out of date. I updated the notification subsystem for the latest API. This new code could probably use a lot of work.
  2. Forums get lost when editing in the admin panel. This is due to a bogus group entry, which was simply treated by adding the hidden field that is in the normal forum creation template.
  3. Subscription isn't available if you haven't set your preferences. On our system, Trac can assemble the e-mail address from the login name. My testers immediately dismissed the plugin because they thought they could not subscribe. The fix I made may not be generic for all cases, but will allow subscription even without settings the preferences.

See attached file.

Attachments (2)

discussionplugin_basic_flaws_patches.patch (39.6 KB) - added by anonymous 5 years ago.
Patch to give this plugin a fair shot, to see what it can do.
discussionplugin_multiselect_fixes.patch (5.2 KB) - added by anonymous 5 years ago.
Multi-select problems in DiscussionPlugin are due to subtle Trac interface changes. This patch helps.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

Changed 5 years ago by anonymous

Patch to give this plugin a fair shot, to see what it can do.

Changed 5 years ago by anonymous

Multi-select problems in DiscussionPlugin are due to subtle Trac interface changes. This patch helps.

comment:1 Changed 5 years ago by anonymous

I'm beginning to get a sense for the implosion that occurred. Scooby dooby do, where are you? Or should we get into the wayback machine with Mr. Peabody? Through the magic of the version control system ...

Trac enabled its user community to use its "extension points", but those APIs became a shifting sand. Through the open-source community's "meritocracy mindset", the hard work of those who used those extension points went to waste. Yes, the new APIs are more "pure", but is what happened an ultimate good? Python itself took the same route, creating an incompatible version that basically couldn't coexist with the old. At least that train wreck was communicated in advance, and I've been using Python 3 exclusively since before it was released.

I've learned more about Trac than I ever wanted, but maybe it can become a hobby over time lol.

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