
Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 14 months ago

#12233 new defect

Comma after a username takes the first drop down user

Reported by: umang.gopani@… Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: AutocompleteUsersPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 1.2


When you are start typing a name, the drop down shows suggestions as expected by the plugin, but as soon as one types comma (,) it is taken as enter and the first user from the drop down is taken by default.

Eg: If I have 2 users with names John (John Lawson) (username : john) and La (La rel joshi) (username : la) The drop down will show John and then La rel in that order as soon as I type "la" When I press comma, it by default takes John instead of La rel whose username is "la"

It should take the user who username is "la" as soon as I press comma to add a new user.

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comment:1 Changed 14 months ago by Ryan J Ollos

Owner: Tetsuya Morimoto deleted

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