
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#11814 closed defect (wontfix)

XML RPC with Bloodhound

Reported by: markus.fuger@… Owned by: osimons
Priority: normal Component: XmlRpcPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Olemis Lang Trac Release: 1.0

Description (last modified by Ryan J Ollos)

Hello everybody,

I started this issue on the SCM Manager bug report list - but it now seems to be a problem of the XML-RPC plugin (!topic/scmmanager/iYLKzJQ9Wd0)

I tried to link the SCM-Manager with bloodhound using XML-RPC (this was initially designed for the communication with trac). After I failed to set it up I tried the Python examples from the plugin homepage (I set the privileges for XML_RPC to anonymous) Python 2.7.6 Bloodhound 0.7 (with trac 1.0.1)

import xmlrpclib
server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8000/main/xmlrpc")
print server.ticket.query()
# returns [1,2] because I added to tickets manually -> working'WikiStart/trac.bak', xmlrpclib.Binary(open('trac.bak').read()))
# will add an attachment to the WikiStart page -> working


# <Fault 404: 'Ticket 1 does not exist.'> -> failed

a = server.ticket.create("foo","bar")
# -> working BUT breaks the Bloodhound tickets page!!!

# My Tickets
# Info Items list is empty
# Widget error
# Error  Exception raised while rendering widget. Contact your administrator for further details
# Widget name
# TicketQuery
# Exception type
# TracError
# Log entry ID
# 492056e7-8a5c-46da-ac12-9d6e6b607b69

# until I delete that ticket again

# which returns 0

I tried those things with the dedicated bloodhound xml rpc plugin and with the trac XMLRPC plugin - both times the same effect.

Perhaps someone could help me fix that, Markus

Attachments (0)

Change History (3)

comment:1 in reply to:  description Changed 11 years ago by Olemis Lang

Replying to markus.fuger@…:

Hello everybody,

I started this issue on the SCM Manager bug report list - but it now seems to be a problem of the XML-RPC plugin (!topic/scmmanager/iYLKzJQ9Wd0)

I cannot reply there ... sorry .

I tried to link the SCM-Manager with bloodhound using XML-RPC (this was initially designed for the communication with trac). After I failed to set it up I tried the Python examples from the plugin homepage (I set the privileges for XML_RPC to anonymous) Python 2.7.6 Bloodhound 0.7 (with trac 1.0.1)

btw , Bloodhound RPC plugin is tested against BH trunk (i.e. currently 0.8-dev) so it's possible to find some incompatibilities when using it with BH=0.7 .



# <Fault 404: 'Ticket 1 does not exist.'> -> failed

The reason for this to happen is that you are using the wrong RPC URL . See these messages . There are other interesting details mentioned in other messages in that thread .


I tried those things with the dedicated bloodhound xml rpc plugin and with the trac XMLRPC plugin - both times the same effect.

please try again using product RPC URL , upgrading to BH=0.8-dev is recommended

Perhaps someone could help me fix that,

unless something new is noticed there's nothing to fix , afaict .

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by Olemis Lang

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Description: modified (diff)

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