
Opened 12 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#10874 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Reduce the estimated hours whenever a developer logs hours to a ticket

Reported by: k1@… Owned by: Russ Tyndall
Priority: normal Component: TimingAndEstimationPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release:


I'm using python 2.5 and trac 0.12.2

To visualize a burndown chart, I'm using estimationtoolsplugin.

Since timingandestimationplugin does not reduce the estimatedhours when a user logs hours to a ticket, the burndown chart does not decrease to zero. I've modified my local copy by replacing the following lines in

            ## If our hours changed
            if not hours == 0:                
                newtotal = str(totalHours+hours)
                save_ticket_change( db, ticket_id, author, change_time,
                                    "hours", '0.0', str(hours), self.log)
                save_ticket_change( db, ticket_id, author, change_time,
                                    "totalhours", str(totalHours), str(newtotal), self.log)
                save_custom_field_value( db, ticket_id, "hours", '0')
                save_custom_field_value( db, ticket_id, "totalhours", str(newtotal) )


            ## If our hours changed
            if not hours == 0:                
                newtotal = str(totalHours+hours)
                newestimated = str(estimatedhours-hours)
                save_ticket_change( db, ticket_id, author, change_time,
                                    "hours", '0.0', str(hours), self.log)
                save_ticket_change( db, ticket_id, author, change_time,
                                    "totalhours", str(totalHours), str(newtotal), self.log)
                save_ticket_change( db, ticket_id, author, change_time,
                                    "estimatedhours", str(estimatedhours), str(newestimated), self.log)
                save_custom_field_value( db, ticket_id, "hours", '0')
                save_custom_field_value( db, ticket_id, "totalhours", str(newtotal) )
                save_custom_field_value( db, ticket_id, "estimatedhours", str(newestimated) )

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Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by Russ Tyndall

In general this is not how we use this field, and so this will probably not be included by default. We tend to use the estimate field for comparing how well we estimated. For our usage case it makes sense to look at both the total hours and the original estimate and divide for a percentage accuracy.

However if you want it included and make it an option (that is disabled by default) then I would be happy to include this as optional functionality. I might get around to doing this myself, but probably not in a timely manner.

comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by Russ Tyndall

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

I am happy to include this as an option (default off) if a patch is provided, but till then, closing as wont fix

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