
Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#10488 closed enhancement (fixed)

Modify columns shown in reports {9} and {10}

Reported by: Ryan J Ollos Owned by: Ryan J Ollos
Priority: normal Component: TracHacks
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Steffen Hoffmann, osimons, falkb, chrisnelson, Jun Omae Trac Release: 0.10

Description (last modified by Ryan J Ollos)

#10478 has me thinking about the information we show in the most commonly used reports {9} and {10}. I've wanted Type and Trac Release to be shown as columns on that report. I believe those are far more useful to most developers than Severity and Component.

Component information could be shown by making the change component AS __group__, so that the Component displays in the report, but not as a column, rather as shown in the screen capture (for which Component=TracHacks). I was trying to find a way to show the Component in the report title or description, but couldn't find a way to do that. Does anyone know a way (whether it be in Trac 0.10 or later)?

So I open this ticket to request feedback on making the following changes to reports {9} and {10}:

  • Add the Type column.
  • Add the Trac Release column.
  • Don't show the Severity column.
  • Don't show the Component column, and group by component.

We could also consider deleting or replacing reports {3} and {6}, since milestones aren't used on t-h.o.

Attachments (1)

ShowGroup.png (42.1 KB) - added by Ryan J Ollos 12 years ago.

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Change History (15)

Changed 12 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Attachment: ShowGroup.png added

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 in reply to:  description ; Changed 12 years ago by falkb

Replying to rjollos:

... a way to show the Component in the report title or description, but couldn't find a way to do that. Does anyone know a way (whether it be in Trac 0.10 or later)?

I think it's not possible.

So I open this ticket to request feedback on making the following changes to reports {9} and {10}:

  • Add the Type column.
  • Add the Trac Release column.
  • Don't show the Severity column.
  • Don't show the Component column, and group by component.

As activity indicator, I'd be interested in the ticket's 'Last Modified' datetime as additional column.

comment:3 in reply to:  2 ; Changed 12 years ago by Chris Nelson

Replying to falkb:

Replying to rjollos:

... a way to show the Component in the report title or description, but couldn't find a way to do that. Does anyone know a way (whether it be in Trac 0.10 or later)?

I think it's not possible.

:-( The other thing I want to see in a report title is $USER. I've never figured out a way to do that.

So I open this ticket to request feedback on making the following changes to reports {9} and {10}:

  • Add the Type column.
  • Add the Trac Release column.
  • Don't show the Severity column.
  • Don't show the Component column, and group by component.

As activity indicator, I'd be interested in the ticket's 'Last Modified' datetime as additional column.

How is this different from #10478?

comment:4 in reply to:  description Changed 12 years ago by Chris Nelson

Replying to rjollos:

... So I open this ticket to request feedback on making the following changes to reports {9} and {10}:

  • Add the Type column.
  • Add the Trac Release column.
  • Don't show the Severity column.
  • Don't show the Component column, and group by component.


I don't care about the Trac Release but it takes up so little room I won't vote against it. The other changes are good, I think.

comment:5 in reply to:  3 Changed 12 years ago by falkb

Replying to ChrisNelson:

How is this different from #10478?

Ah...very good :)

comment:6 Changed 12 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Owner: changed from Michael Renzmann to Ryan J Ollos
Status: newassigned

Here is the new report {9}:

SELECT p.value AS __color__,
   id AS ticket, summary, t.type, r.value AS release,
   component AS __group__, 
   (CASE status WHEN 'assigned' THEN owner||' *' ELSE owner END) AS owner,
   time AS created,
   changetime AS modified, description AS _description,
   reporter AS _reporter
  FROM ticket t
    LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket_custom r
    ON ( = r.ticket AND = 'release')
    JOIN enum p ON = t.priority AND p.type='priority'
  WHERE status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')
    AND component = '$COMPONENT'
  ORDER BY p.value, severity, time

And here is the diff:

  • (a) a vs. (b) b

    a b  
    11SELECT p.value AS __color__,
    2    id AS ticket, summary, component, severity,
     2   id AS ticket, summary, t.type, r.value AS release,
     3   component AS __group__,
    34   (CASE status WHEN 'assigned' THEN owner||' *' ELSE owner END) AS owner,
    45   time AS created,
    56   changetime AS modified, description AS _description,
    67   reporter AS _reporter
    7   FROM ticket t, enum p
     8  FROM ticket t
     9    LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket_custom r
     10    ON ( = r.ticket AND = 'release')
     11    JOIN enum p ON = t.priority AND p.type='priority'
    812  WHERE status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')
    9   AND component = '$COMPONENT'
    10 AND = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority'
     13    AND component = '$COMPONENT'
    1114  ORDER BY p.value, severity, time

comment:7 Changed 12 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Here is the new report {10}:

SELECT p.value AS __color__,
    id AS ticket, summary, t.type, r.value AS release,
    (CASE status WHEN 'assigned' THEN owner||' *' ELSE owner END) AS owner,
    time AS created,
    changetime AS modified, description AS _description,
    reporter AS _reporter
  FROM ticket t
    LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket_custom r
    ON ( = r.ticket AND = 'release')
    JOIN enum p ON = t.priority AND p.type='priority'
  WHERE component = '$COMPONENT'
  ORDER BY p.value, severity, time

And here is the diff:

  • (a) d vs. (b) c

    a b  
    11SELECT p.value AS __color__,
    2    id AS ticket, summary, component, severity,
     2   id AS ticket, summary, t.type, r.value AS release,
     3   component AS __group__,
    34   (CASE status WHEN 'assigned' THEN owner||' *' ELSE owner END) AS owner,
    45   time AS created,
    56   changetime AS modified, description AS _description,
    67   reporter AS _reporter
    7   FROM ticket t, enum p
     8  FROM ticket t
     9    LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket_custom r
     10    ON ( = r.ticket AND = 'release')
     11    JOIN enum p ON = t.priority AND p.type='priority'
    812  WHERE component = '$COMPONENT'
    9 AND = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority'
    1013  ORDER BY p.value, severity, time

comment:8 in reply to:  description Changed 12 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Replying to rjollos:


Component information could be shown by making the change component AS __group__, ...

By doing this, we lose the ability to sort by column (TracReports#ChangingSortOrder). It looks like there is a way in later versions of Trac (t:TracReports#rewriting) to allow sorting by column even when tickets are grouped, but I don't see a way to do it in Trac 0.10. Any suggestions?

comment:9 Changed 12 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

I do think we need the ability to sort these reports, but I'll leave the reports as is to see if anyone has feedback on this today.

comment:10 Changed 12 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
Trac Release: 0.120.10

I went back to showing the Component as a column for now, and opened ticket #10510 for some modifications to make when we get on Trac 1.0.


SELECT p.value AS __color__,
    id AS ticket, summary, component, t.type, r.value AS release,
    (CASE status WHEN 'assigned' THEN owner||' *' ELSE owner END) AS owner,
    time AS created,
    changetime AS modified, description AS _description,
    reporter AS _reporter
  FROM ticket t
    LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket_custom r
    ON ( = r.ticket AND = 'release')
    JOIN enum p ON = t.priority AND p.type='priority'
  WHERE status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')
    AND component = '$COMPONENT'
  ORDER BY p.value, severity, time


SELECT p.value AS __color__,
    id AS ticket, summary, component, t.type, r.value AS release,
    (CASE status WHEN 'assigned' THEN owner||' *' ELSE owner END) AS owner,
    time AS created,
    changetime AS modified, description AS _description,
    reporter AS _reporter
  FROM ticket t
    LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket_custom r
    ON ( = r.ticket AND = 'release')
    JOIN enum p ON = t.priority AND p.type='priority'
  WHERE component = '$COMPONENT'
  ORDER BY p.value, severity, time

comment:11 in reply to:  3 ; Changed 12 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Replying to ChrisNelson:

Replying to falkb:

Replying to rjollos:

... a way to show the Component in the report title or description, but couldn't find a way to do that. Does anyone know a way (whether it be in Trac 0.10 or later)?

I think it's not possible.

:-( The other thing I want to see in a report title is $USER. I've never figured out a way to do that.

=> t:#10979

comment:12 in reply to:  11 Changed 12 years ago by Chris Nelson

Replying to rjollos:

Replying to ChrisNelson:

Replying to falkb:

Replying to rjollos:

... a way to show the Component in the report title or description, but couldn't find a way to do that. Does anyone know a way (whether it be in Trac 0.10 or later)?

I think it's not possible.

:-( The other thing I want to see in a report title is $USER. I've never figured out a way to do that.

=> t:#10979

Thanks, Ryan.

comment:13 Changed 12 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

In case you haven't been following the ticket, the patch I submitted has been scheduled for a 1.1.x development release, so the feature will be available in production release 1.2.

Last edited 11 years ago by Ryan J Ollos (previous) (diff)

comment:14 Changed 12 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Description: modified (diff)

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