#10370 closed defect (wontfix)
can we extend the mathjax to more latex contents?
Reported by: | huang | Owned by: | Kamil Kisiel |
Priority: | normal | Component: | TracMathJaxPlugin |
Severity: | normal | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Trac Release: | 0.12 |
I'd love to see the latex page can be copied and pasted to my trac wiki page without change from subsection to == and $$ to {{{ I make a simple python code to do this, but more ideally, if in the wiki page have #!latex, the whole page is filtered by this before feed to the mathjax, I will also look into how to program trac plugin myself. If anyone can show me this feature is already exist or how to implement it, that will be great
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys, re bullet_level=0 enum_level = 0 bdoc = None end_line = 1 verbatim_mode = 0 math_mode = 0 eqnarry_mode = 0 tr_list1=[ [r"\\_",r"_"] ] tr_list2 = [ [r"\$\$",r"\$\$",r"\n{{{\n#!latex\n\n",r"\n}}}\n"], [r"\$",r"\$",r"\(",r"\)"], [r"\\subsubsection{",r"}",r" ==== ",r" ==== "], [r"\\subsection{",r"}",r" === ",r" === "], [r"\\section{",r"}",r" == ",r" == "], [r"\\title{",r"}",r" = ",r" = "], ] in_stream = sys.stdin; out_stream = sys.stdout ms=re.search('\\\\begin\{document\}(.*?)\\\\end\{document\}',in_stream.read(),re.DOTALL) if ms: stream=ms.group(1) for reg in tr_list1: p=re.compile(reg[0]) stream=re.sub(p,reg[1],stream) print stream for reg in tr_list2: p=re.compile(reg[0]+'(.*?)'+reg[1],re.DOTALL) stream=re.sub(p,reg[2]+r'\1'+reg[3],stream,re.DOTALL) print >> out_stream, stream,
Attachments (0)
Change History (6)
comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by
Resolution: | → wontfix |
Status: | new → closed |
comment:2 follow-up: 4 Changed 12 years ago by
Sure, I agree this is outside the scope of this plugin. And I am going to start another plugin to implement this, that seems feasible. I foreseen the new plugin will use this plugin to handle the math, while the new plugin handle those title.
Then can we move the macro name of this plugin from latex to latexmathjax so we might use the latex for the new one? currently I am using traxlatex instead.
comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by
I'd prefer to keep the macro name the same because it's what was used by the TracMath plugin that this one supersedes. It helps to ease in migration.
comment:4 Changed 12 years ago by
Replying to Huang:
Sure, I agree this is outside the scope of this plugin. And I am going to start another plugin to implement this, that seems feasible. I foreseen the new plugin will use this plugin to handle the math, while the new plugin handle those title.
I just want to throw out the possibility that there are multiple latex plugins that are not currently maintained, and maybe you'd like to give those a look-over and see if you'd like to take over maintenance and use one of those as your starting point.
Is TracMathPlugin obsoleted by TracMathJaxPlugin?
comment:5 Changed 12 years ago by
rjollos: They accomplish the same thing but work in different ways. TracMath is also slightly more configurable if someone has special needs for a particular LaTeX package. There may also be people who are using older browsers that may prefer to use it.
comment:6 Changed 12 years ago by
I looked at the LatexMarco and Latex Formula Marco they all render formula to png file using local latex instead of mathjax somewhere What I am proposing is just change the format from latex to wiki, not special engine rendering formula, and I guess we can choose which one to use to render the formulas
I submitted another ticket here for that idea: http://trac-hacks.org/ticket/10373
Of course, it is not completed
I think this is outside the scope of this particular plugin. Feel free to fork it and add the functionality yourself. The code is actually quite simple, you just need to modify the function at https://bitbucket.org/kisielk/tracmathjaxplugin/src/044b7fb93a9a/tracmathjax/tracmathjax.py#cl-63
You could pretty much insert your code there and replace
with the current value ofcontent