
Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#10215 closed defect (duplicate)

After user registration, no email verification happens

Reported by: Olaf Mandel Owned by: Steffen Hoffmann
Priority: normal Component: AccountManagerPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords: registration
Cc: Trac Release: 0.12


When enabling the EmailVerificationModule module, users that registered via the RegistrationModule do not receive an Email, and see neither their Full name nor their Email-address in the General tab of their Preferences page. Only when entering the Email-address a second time, is the verification Email sent and their account is locked down until verifying the address.

Steps to reproduce

Attached are two scripts I use to create the error on a Fedora 17 machine. I can produce the error both with the distribution-provided executables as well as with a fresh Trac 0.12.3 and AccountManager 0.11. For the distribution-provided binaries, use as is. For the unmodified code, first run (generating the directory trac-for-bug-report) and edit to use the generated programs before runing that script.

  • Run the script, to creates a directory project-for-bug-report under which an empty Trac project is created and then a stand-alone server on port 8000 is started
  • Visit that page in a browser (e.g. and then click on Register in the opper right corner
  • Fill out all fields (full name is optional) and click on create account
  • Observe that no Email is being sent
  • Log in to the system and visit the General tab on the Preferences page
  • Observe that both the full name field and the email field are empty

The Email-address behaves as it it was not set, but no other user can register with the same Email-address anymore. At any later point, do the following:

  • Under the General tab on the Preferences page, re-enter the Email-address and save
  • Observe the arrival of a verification Email and that the account is locked down until the Email-address has been verified


When looking at the database after registering but before re-entering the data in the Preferences page, I notice the following:

sqlite3 -header project-for-bug-report/db/trac.db "SELECT * FROM session; SELECT * FROM session_attribute;" gives:

olaf|1|name|My Name

After successfully reregistering, this becomes:

olaf|1|name|My Name

Actually, just calling sqlite3 -header project-for-bug-report/db/trac.db "UPDATE OR IGNORE session SET authenticated=1;" seems to do the trick.

Possibly related bugs

It is possible, that these bugs are related to this, but I cannot tell from the error description: #9052, #9090.

Attachments (3) (994 bytes) - added by Olaf Mandel 13 years ago.
Downloads a fresh trac environment (1.3 KB) - added by Olaf Mandel 13 years ago.
Sets up a demo Trac project and runs a stand-alone server (1.2 KB) - added by Olaf Mandel 13 years ago.
Corrected version of

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

Changed 13 years ago by Olaf Mandel

Attachment: added

Downloads a fresh trac environment

Changed 13 years ago by Olaf Mandel

Attachment: added

Sets up a demo Trac project and runs a stand-alone server

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Steffen Hoffmann

Keywords: registration added

Your report is next to perfect, still I'm tempted to close it as duplicate, since you're essentially repeating old observation.

Obviously you've missed the important notes in #9079, #9252, #9843 and #9090 about a hotfix that is available in trunk development branch since changeset [11826].

Would you be so kind as to test against latest AccountManager code and report you findings, please? I'm especially interested in your feedback, because I don't have a PostgreSQL test setup here. Thanks for taking care.

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Steffen Hoffmann

Hm, I don't see a hint on PostgreSQL anymore. Anyway, there rest still stands as is. Looking forward to hearing from you.

comment:3 in reply to:  1 Changed 13 years ago by Olaf Mandel

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Replying to hasienda: -Snipp-

Would you be so kind as to test against latest AccountManager code and report you findings, please? [...]

I thought I had tested against trunk already, but it turns out my was strongly buggy: I still used the distribution supplied code even when I thought I was using the "clean" code. With the attached corrected script, the problem is gone.

Thank you for the quick reply and sorry about the duplicate report.

Changed 13 years ago by Olaf Mandel

Attachment: added

Corrected version of

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